Gimnasio Bilingüe Campestre Marie Curie is recognized as an institution of National Bilingualism, in the domain of the English Language, by the Secretary of Education of Mosquera, with Resolution No. 647 of November 28, 2018. The GBCMC has, since 2014, a bilingualism plan that is constituted for being a
learning community in which families, students and teachers participate; besides by 2023, there will be two cultural agents from the YMCA, among other alliances, this strategy will generate adequate bilingual environments for the entire community
with the aim of increasing the language level of all educational agents.
Our project is characterized by its integrity with other areas of knowledge where it prevails English as the language of instruction and as the basis for other bilingual subjects.
Gimnasio Bilingüe Campestre Marie Curie encourages the improvement of Linguistic, Cognitive, and social skills. Our bilingual students have improved their thinking skills through a process in which they carry out different activities in each school subject area which covers a clear content and topics of interest to everybody. Our students learn about phonics, vocabulary, grammar, literature, and many other elements bearing in mind a clear Curriculum that is designed to help them to understand and explore many concepts in English and mainly, in real-life contexts. Additionally, based on their cognitive ages, they can learn how to suggest concrete solutions to existent issues too.
- Preschool Section 81%
- Elementary Section level from 2nd to 4th 71% and for the 5th level 67%
- Section of the Baccalaureate 60%

<span style="font-size:21px;" METHODOLOGY:
Our main objective is focused on the Communicative Approach or Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), which raises a possibility that students speak naturally while considering the fact that making mistakes is part of the process of acquiring another language.
Our methodology is also founded on Collaborative Learning (Co-Learning), Task-Based Learning (TBL), and Content and language integrated learning (CLIL). All our students have begun a training on International Exams whose activities are designed by the teachers, bringing a language learning process in meaningful situations.
Our philosophy is also connected with students who develop the abilities to interpret the world from a holistic point of view and learn about the importance of being better citizens of the world. During 2020, all the bilingual areas made a connection with Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

<span style="font-size:21px;" METHODOLOGY:
The mathematics area of the Marie Curie Country Gym is made up of 10 graduate specialists, plus the teachers of the bilingualism program of the preschool section of the institution.
As a general objective, the area aims to promote mathematics as the universal language of the natural sciences in the students of the Marie Curie Country Gymnasium, applying numerical, variational, metric, spatial and statistical concepts in solving problems that bring them closer to scientific reality. of your environment.
«Problem solving is intended to convey, in a systematic way, effective thought processes in solving real problems.» (Silva, M. 2009). This methodology is based on the application of problems, which allow the student to develop thought processes and skills by applying mathematical concepts, through different strategies such as: the use of abacuses, Soma Cube, mathematical calendar, riddles, modeling problems, Olympics. mathematics, among others, encouraging the creativity and ingenuity of our students.

<span style="font-size:21px;" METHODOLOGY:
The curricular bases and work in the area of Natural Sciences are developed through the implementation of the inquiry-based science teaching methodology, which allows solutions to the problems faced by countries such as Colombia, in which there has been a decrease in in the interest of young people to study science and technology. The consequence has not only been a shortfall in the number of scientists and engineers, but a lack of understanding in the general public about the aspects of science that are necessary to make informed decisions, such as concern for personal health. and public, the environment and energy conservation. In this context, the purpose of teaching science at the Marie Curie Country Gym is to promote the scientific culture of children and young people from an early age, ensuring that they understand concepts, practice procedures and develop attitudes that allow them to participate in a critical culture. and analytical through interaction with their environment in a permanent search for explanations about what happens around them, that is why they explore objects, situations and phenomena, looking for data and clues that will allow them to understand the organization and functioning of the reality, understanding that is achieved by developing in each class scientific and investigative skills that provide students with the ability to develop and acquire knowledge, skills and the scientific research process in an integrated way.

<span style="font-size:21px;" METHODOLOGY:
Creative thinking is the ability to let the mind create thoughts that are different and unusual. Creative thinking develops around a fundamental idea: thinking beyond the realm of the conventional, it is about being able to think outside the box and be original in the process of creating ideas.

<span style="font-size:21px;" METHODOLOGY:
The program began in 2016 and is led by the Colombian company Valteam Roboticx, which has more than 5 years of experience in the educational robotics market.
The project seeks that students from pre-kindergarten to eleventh grades acquire skills in programming, electronics, mechanics, 3D design, office tools, Internet management 1.0 and 2.0, and product prototyping.
The methodology that is used is the solution of problems from the construction of projects, the students develop the projects in a group way and following different applied research strategies.

<span style="font-size:21px;" METHODOLOGY:
The physical education department seeks to develop skills in the students of the Marie Curie Country Gym of teamwork, perseverance, dedication and all based on a culture of ethical and moral values in fair play, honesty and respect.
The methodology is based on the active intervention of the student during the teaching-learning process, the objectives are oriented not only to motor aspects but also cognitive and affective, the role of the teacher is framed within a line of help and facilitation of learning.
<span style="font-size:21px;" METHODOLOGY:
Aware of the challenges imposed by society today, characterized by the accelerated growth of information, technology and the problems of inequality and conflict between human beings, in the area of Social Sciences and Philosophy we focus on the development of thinking critical from the reflection and analysis of various situations typical of daily life in which our students are involved; Criticism is a course in the 21st century and for this reason it is even more important to strengthen thought processes, with the purpose of contributing to the construction of a free, just and peaceful society.